What is Intelligence On Chain (IOC)
IOC is a private investigations firm that specialises in crypto-related fraud. JP, the pseudonymous Founder, had been in Crypto since August 2021 and couldn't believe how many people were getting scammed by rugpulls. This led him to create our community Discord server, where we help thousands of people today. Initially, JP only offered research on projects to share red flags and help prevent people from getting into the wrong projects. Whilst we can still provide research upon the request of our members today, our core business is professional private investigations for clients from any background.
What is the IOC Token?
The IOC token is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum Blockchain, deployed by Intelligence On Chain to enable our community to interact with our services. It is fully renounced, and its liquidity is locked forever. The smart contract behind the token is an Open Zeppelin standard template, essentially meaning it is battle-tested and secure. When the token was minted, only 21,000 tokens were created. Why? The '21' plays on Satoshi's 21 Million Bitcoins, whilst the lower supply reflects JP's love for low-supply tokens.
What can I do with the IOC token?
The IOC Token can be used in various ways.
Show your support for IOC and the work we do
Gain IOC membership by holding a certain amount
Provide a IOC/ETH liquidity pair to help increase the liquidity for trading.
Obtain discounts on our services
Request personal support (free for simple requests)
Exchange them for services
Last updated